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Idioms & Phrases : 6 August 2018

1. to nip something in the bud : प्रारम्भिक अवस्था में ही नष्ट कर देना, पनपने न देना, to destroy something at the start

Any indiscipline among the students should be nipped in the bud.


2. to pay through the nose : भारी कीमत चुकाना, to pay a very heavy price

In the beginning I didn’t pay attention to my health, as a result I had to pay through the nose.


3. to pass the buck : परस्पर दोषारोपण करना, to blame others

All the members are passing the buck onto one another for the failure of the scheme.


4. to pay somebody back in his own coin : जैसे को तैसा, to give tit for tat

He betrayed me last year, this year I had paid him back in his own coin.


5. to pick a hole in sth : गलती निकालना, त्रुटि खोजना, find faults

She loves to pick holes in my work.